Cover for illustration only.  Artwork Differson-cd artwork may differ

When Simon discovers the tuneless bard, the repulsive Rapunzel and a pair of demons with a serious attitude problem, it could prove to be one cliché too far.

With a Nobel prize for attempted humour and puzzles so fiendish you'll certainly need help from the wise owl, Simon the Sorcerer is guaranteed to provide a distraction from the drudgery of modern life.

If you haven't yet had a look at Simon then do so now, it's well worth it. Deep down he's a friendly and obliging little fellow. This is one of those games that has universal appeal. Adults will love it just as much as children, if not more so.

Cover for illustration only.  Artwork Differs Cover for illustration only.  Artwork Differs

Probably one of mankind's oldest fantasies is to live in a place where magic really did exist--a place where witches could fly with their brooms, where giants lived in peace with the people and where wizards were as common as policemen nowadays in our world. It would be a place where the battle between good and evil always ended triumphantly for the good guys. Unfortunately there's no way to experience that in reality, but thanks to Adventure Soft, at least we can experience it in an adventure game.

Windows 9x /ME/XP or Windows 2000

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